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The Ark and the Darkness, Foundations and Genesis Impact - DVD 3 Pack

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Noah’s Ark withstands a global flood, corroborated by scientific evidence. 

Geology, paleontology, the fossil record, ancient history, volcanism, earth science—all of these scientific fields converge on one simple truth:  Noah’s Flood actually happened. Join our team of scientists from Answers in Genesis and Liberty University as we reveal the truth about Noah’s Flood.  (125 min)

DVD includes bonus materials such as behind-the-scenes, trailers, additional educational videos.

A dramatic movie that illustrates walking through a young man's life in three different scenarios:  the first one is atheistic, the second one liberal compromised Christianity, and the third one is a biblical worldview. How we think from the start determines how we live and this movie presents that message loud and clear. you will not regret watching this or sharing it with family and friends.  This is a good ministry tool. (24 min)

Genesis Impact 
A secular museum speaker presents his best case for evolution at the natural history museum, but a student has a few questions for him at the end of his talk.  Was it millions of years ago the earth evolved - or - in the beginning God!  This drama finds a student debating the truth with an evolutionist providing evidence for people wanting to know answers. (65 min)