MINDREADER church rental pricing is based on the number of viewers. Our pricing is set up with two tiers:
1-49 viewers - $100 rental
50+ viewers - $150 rental
Using the drop down menu above, select the appropriate number of viewers for your showing. The rental price is for one showing.
This is for one showing only. Admission can't be charged at a public showing nor a love offering taken. If you are interested in charging admission for a showing of any movie, an agreement must be worked out prior to your showing so please contact us first. Thank you.
MINDREADER is a very entertaining and intriguing film that is also very evangelistic! This will be an excellent film to show to any non-believer or someone who is on the fence with the LORD or for someone that may be seeking.

About The Filmmaker
Rich Christiano has been writing, producing, directing and distributing Christian movies since 1985. Some of his feature films include: Time Changer, The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, Play the Flute, A Matter of Faith, and his newest film, MindReader. His passion is to present quality films with inspiring and strong messages to motivate viewers to follow the LORD.
"This is a very powerful evangelistic movie! Thank you for always presenting the gospel in your movies and keep up the good work!" --Timothy, Virginia
"I thought the movie was extremely creative and unique. It definitely encouraged me to share my faith!" --Christine, Canada
"All I can say is well done, my friend. I pray that God will use this to wake up Christians and to see many saved." --Richard, Texas
"This one is really good! I immediately was captivated by the story and is a movie that I am proud to have seen and want to share." --Carol, Georgia
"Another outstanding movie and my grand-daughters aged 14 and 16 enjoyed it. Thanks for making movies that present the gospel of Christ." --Jim, North Carolina
"My 12-year-old daughter said she would be thinking about the movie the whole next day! I thought the movie was very well done!" --Shannon, West Virginia
"I was completely engrossed in the story and I pray that the Lord will use this movie to show many people their need to accept Jesus Christ by the clear presentation of the gospel." --Beth, Alabama
Cast: Hamish Briggs, Roland Rusinek, Ross Turner, Connor Keene
Producers: Rich Christiano and Miles Doleac
Writer-Director: Rich Christiano
81 Minutes, Drama